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The rule for visitor

2020. 9. 10.

as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, we are conducting active screening for potential risks of COVID-19 with everyone entering our Clinic to ensure our team's safety and well-being. 

1. Do you have any of the following symptoms : fever/feverish, new or existing cough, difficulty breathing,  Y/N

2. Are you experiencing a new onset of or worsening cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and / or a runny nose? Y/N

3. Have you traveled outside of Ontario within the last 14days? Y/N

4. Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case? Y/N

5. Have you had close contact with an ill person who has been outside of Ontario in the last 14 days? Y/N

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, please reschedule your appointment  to a later date and follow self-isolation guidelines mandated by the Goverment of Ontario. 

If you answered "No" to and of the questions above,  follow the your appointment time  visit to Clinic and take mask anytime. Thank you


출처: https://hanbit.tistory.com/entry/The-rule-for-visitor-Clinic [Hanbit Alternative Health Clinic 國醫堂 한빛]