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感冒 감기 (a cold; influenza; flu ) Aupuntuer and chinese medicine treatment for Cold, Influenza. flu 1.針治療(Acupuncrure treatment ).침치료: Fenghan ganmao(風寒): fengfu,fengment,fengci,lieqie,hegu,dumaitaiyang,shaoyang,xiefa if weak patient use pingbupingxie, moxibustion treatment, Cure: 治法: xuan feiqi ,zihiashou,yangliuzhouyangzhubiao 선폐기 지해수, 양유주양주표. 風熱: dumai,shoushaoyang, yangmingjing: dazao,quzhi,waiguan,hegu, yuji,shaosang, 2.TCM.. 2015. 3. 8.
Acupuncture Unlocks Frozen Shoulder Pain Acupuncture Unlocks Frozen Shoulder Pain - New Research on 10 December 2013. Researchers conclude that acupuncture effectively reduces frozen shoulder pain and restores functionality. Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a disorder of the connective tissue in the rotator cuff region wherein there is pain, inflammation and motor impairment. Application of local acupuncture to LI.. 2013. 12. 14.
Tui na ? Tui na ? (推拏 or 推拿, both pronounced tuī ná), is a form of Chinese manipulative therapy often used in conjunction with acupuncture, moxibustion, fire cupping, Chinese herbalism tai chi and qigong. Tui na is an Acupressure treatment based on the use of the eight principles to bring the body back in balance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press and rub the areas between each of the joints .. 2012. 6. 28.
How is diagnosis done in TCM? How is diagnosis done in TCM? Following the macro philosophy of disease, traditional Chinese diagnostics are based on overall observation of human symptoms rather than "micro" level laboratory tests. There are four types of TCM diagnostic methods: observe (望 wàng), hear and smell (聞 wén), ask about background (問 wèn) and touching (切 qiè). The pulse-reading component of the touching examination i.. 2012. 6. 28.